Other Seminars or Workshops
- TCS+
- Simons Institute
- CS Theory Talks
- Combinatorics Lectures Online
- Math Seminars
- Geometric Complexity Theory Webinar
- From Euclidean to Geodesic Convex Optimization
Online Resources
- Mathematics and Computation book draft by Avi Wigerson
- Complexity Theory book by Arora and Barak
- Computational Number Theory by Shoup
- Expanders by Hoory, Linial and Wigderson
- Algebra and Computation notes by Madhu Sudan
- Coding Theory notes by Madhu Sudan
- Analysis of Boolean Functions book by Ryan O’Donnell
Journals and Conferences
- ECCC Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity
- Theory of Computing journal
- Foundations and Trends in Theoretical Computer Science